Ontario Power Generation Technical Documents
- Safety Analysis Technology: Evolution, Revolution and the Drive to Re-Establish Margins by John Luxat, OPG. Seminar presentation, Canadian Nuclear Society, Sheridan Park Branch, Doc#20000301 (pdf 253Kb). Summary: A historical perspective of the evolution of safety analysis technology at OPG is presented below. The key elements of the new safety analysis methodology are then described together with its relationship to other components of Canadian nuclear safety technology. This development is placed in context with similar work being conducted in the international Light Water Reactor (LWR) community.
Training Courses
(OPG has donated all the old operator training courses in the fundamentals area. Look for more of these to appear in the coming months.)
Please view the list of courses to be posted. If you have or know of any older OPG training courses that do not appear on this list , please let us know.

- Progression Level Designation (as in 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx):
- PI = Top level taken by Management and Professionals (PhD's and what not) who are not operators
- 1 = Top level, not often taken
- 2 = Second level, taken by SS and CROs
- 3 = Third level. Documents scarce at this level. Do any exist?
- 4 = Entry level
- Concept Level Designation (as in x1x, x2x, ...)
- 0 = ?
- 1 = ?
- 2 = Science Fundamentals
- 3 = Equipment and System Principles
- ...
- Subject Designation (as in xx0, xx1, ...)
- 0 = General Principles (ie xx0.1, xx0.2)
- 1 = Mechanical
- 2 = Electrical
- 1 = Mathematics
- 3 = Fluid Mechanics
- 4 = Chemistry
- 5 = Heat and Thermodynamics
- 7 = Nuclear Theory
- 8 = Materials

General? (1), Management? (0)......eg x10
- Introduction to Ontario Hydro and the Nuclear Operations Branch, Course 410 Nuclear Training Centre - February 1992, 28 pages total - 3 subsections
General? (1), CANDU? (1)......eg x11
- Introduction to CANDU Processes, Course 41001 Nuclear Training Center - April 1993, 185 pages total - 27 subsections
- Module 0 Course Index and Objectives
- Module 1 Operating Philosophy
- Introduction (pdf 29 Kb, 2 pages), Doc#20042601
- A. Employee and Public Safety (pdf 173 Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20042602
- B. Reactor Safety (pdf 270 Kb, 14 pages), Doc#20042603
- C. Environmental Limits (pdf 64Kb, 3 pages), Doc#20042604
- D. Economics of CANDU (pdf 89Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20042605
- E. How We Conduct Our Business (pdf 1Mb, 14 pages), Doc#20042606
- Module 2 Reactor Side of the Station
- Introduction (pdf 13 Kb, 1 pages), Doc#20042607
- A. Principle of Reactor Operation (pdf 216 Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20042608
- B. Major Components of CANDU Reactors (pdf 387 Kb, 16 pages), Doc#20042609
- C. Heat Production and Reactor Regulation (pdf 163 Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20042610
- D. Reactor, Personnel and Public Protection (pdf 1.2 Mb, 13 pages), Doc#20042611
- Module 3 The Conventional Side of the Power Station
- Module 4 Energy Balance and Unit Control
- Module 5 Support Systems
- Introduction (pdf 15 Kb, 1 pages), Doc#20042620
- A. Electrical Systems (pdf 121 Kb, 7 pages), Doc#20042621
- B. Water and Air Systems (pdf 105 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20042622
- C. Identification System (pdf 56 Kb, 4 pages), Doc#20042623
- D. Site Support Systems (pdf 66 Kb, 3 pages), Doc#20042624
- E. Waste Management (pdf 71 Kb, 4 pages), Doc#20042625
- F. Heavy Water Production and Management (pdf 172 Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20042626

Science Fundamentals (2), Mathematics (1) ......eg x21
- Reliability for Management and Professional Staff, Nuclear Training Course PI 21, January 1990 (R-0), 75 pages total - 8 subsections
- Full Course (pdf 1.3 Mb, 75 pages), Doc#20043300
- Course Content (by section)
- Course Table of Contents (pdf 21 Kb, 3pages), Doc#20043301
- PI 21.00 Intro to the Course (pdf 92 Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20043302
- PI 21.01 An Introduction to Reliability (pdf 168 Kb, 9 pages), Doc#20043303
- PI 21.02 Reliability Concepts (pdf 368 Kb, 20 pages), Doc#20043304
- PI 21.03 Process Systems (pdf 173 Kb, 9 pages), Doc#20043305
- PI 21.04 Availability of Safety Systems (pdf 240 Kb, 14 pages), Doc#20043306
- PI 21.05 Modern Reliability Techniques (pdf 199 Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20043307
- PI 21.06 Reporting and Administration (pdf 104 Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20043308
- Mathematics, Nuclear Training Course 121, July 1981, 200 pages, 5.6 Mb total
- 121.00-1 Cover page, Table of contents, Objectives (pdf 205Kb, 7 pages), Doc# 20040101
- 121.00-2 Introduction (pdf 245Kb, 7 pages), Doc# 20040102
- 121.00-3 Probability (pdf 748Kb, 27 pages), Doc# 20040103
- 121.00-4 Safety Systems Analysis (pdf 500Kb, 11 pages), Doc# 20040104
- 121.00-5 Safety Systems Analysis - Solutions to Sample Problems (pdf 566Kb, 16 pages), Doc# 20040105
- 121.00-6 The Binomial Distribution and Power System Reliability (pdf 371Kb, 14 pages), Doc# 20040106
- 121.00-7 The Normal Distribution and Applications (pdf 230Kb, 9 pages), Doc# 20040107
- 121.00-8 Basic Reliability Concepts (pdf 773Kb, 29 pages), Doc# 20040108
- 121.00-9 Operation in the Wearout Mode (pdf 289Kb, 9 pages), Doc# 20040109
- 121.00-10 Some Modern Reliability Topics (pdf 779Kb, 22 pages), Doc# 20040110
- 121.10-1 Appendix 1: Confidence Limits (pdf 262Kb, 8 pages), Doc# 20040111
- 121.10-1 Appendix 2: Solutions to Assignments (pdf 807Kb, 41 pages), Doc# 20040112
- Mathematics, Course 221 Nuclear Training Centre, February 1979-April 1980, 255 pages total - 20 subsections
- Full Course (pdf 3.1Mb, 255 pages), Doc#20043000
- Course Content (by section)
- Review Topics from Levels 4 & 3 Mathematics
- 421.10-4 Standard Notation (pdf 96 Kb, 9 pages), Doc#20043003
- 421.20-1 Algebra Fundamentals (pdf 185 Kb, 19 pages), Doc#20043004
- 421.40-1 Graphs (pdf 133 Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20043005
- 421.40-2 Graphing Functions (pdf 61 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20043006
- 321.10-3 Logarithms and Exponentials (pdf 163 Kb, 15 pages), Doc#20043007
- 321.10-4 Use of Logarithmic Scaled Graph Paper (pdf 412 Kb, 12 pages), Doc#20043008
- Reliability
- Differential Calculus
- 221.20-1 The Straight Line (pdf 124 Kb, 13 pages), Doc#20043010
- 221.20-2 The Derivative (pdf 195 Kb, 18 pages), Doc#20043011
- 221.20-3 Simple Applications of Derivatives (pdf 99 Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20043012
- 221.20-4 Differentiating Exponential Functions (pdf 150 Kb, 16 pages), Doc#20043013
- 221.20-5 The Derivative in Science and Technology (pdf 189 Kb, 14 pages), Doc#20043014
- Integral Calculus
- Appendices
Science Fundamentals (2), Fluid Mechanics (3) ......eg x23
- Fluid Mechanics, Nuclear Training Course 123, April 1978, 45 pages, 1.66+1.56 Mb total. Note: the table of contents is dated April 1978 but all sections are dated as noted below.
- 123.00-0 Course Objectives (pdf 107kb, 3 pages), Doc# 20040200
- 123.00-1 Viscosity (pdf 165kb, 4 pages), Doc# 20040301. Identical to 223.00-1, rev January 1977
- 123.00-2 Reynolds' Number (pdf 120kb, 3 pages), Doc# 20040302. Identical to 223.00-2, rev January 1977
- 123.00-3 Friction in Fluid Flow (pdf 371kb, 8 pages), Doc# 20040303. Identical to 223.00-3, rev January 1977
- 123.00-4 Minor Losses (pdf 238kb, 7 pages), Doc# 20040304. Identical to 223.00-4, rev January 1977
- 123.00-5 Pipe Flow Problems (pdf 157kb, 6 pages), Doc# 20040305. Identical to 223.00-5, rev January 1977
- 123.00-6 Parallel Pipe Flow (pdf 235kb, 10 pages), Doc# 20040206. July 1977
- 123.00-7 Compressible Flow (pdf 344kb, 9 pages), Doc# 20040207. July 1977
- 123.00-8 Water Hammer (pdf 316kb, 7 pages), Doc# 20040208. July 1977
- 123.00-9 Hydrodynamic Film Lubrication (pdf 689kb, 16 pages), Doc# 20040209. July 1977
- 123.00-10 Appendix (pdf 550kb, 11 pages), Doc# 20040308. Identical to 223.00-8, rev January 1977
- Fluid Mechanics, Nuclear Training Course 223, January 1977, 59 pages, 2.0 Mb total
- 223.00-0 Course Objectives (pdf 102kb, 3 pages), Doc# 20040300
- 223.00-1 Viscosity (pdf 165kb, 4 pages), Doc# 20040301
- 223.00-2 Reynolds' Number (pdf 120kb, 3 pages), Doc# 20040302
- 223.00-3 Friction in Fluid Flow (pdf 371kb, 8 pages), Doc# 20040303
- 223.00-4 Minor Losses (pdf 238kb, 7 pages), Doc# 20040304
- 223.00-5 Pipe Flow Problems (pdf 157kb, 6 pages), Doc# 20040305
- 223.00-6 Force - Momentum (pdf 105kb, 5 pages), Doc# 20040306
- 223.00-7 Water Hammer (pdf 277kb, 5 pages), Doc# 20040307
- 223.00-8 Appendix (pdf 550kb, 11 pages), Doc# 20040308
- Fluid Mechanics, Nuclear Training Course 223.0, December 1984, 43 pages, 1.25 Mb total. These sections provide definitions and sample calculations for basic concepts such as pressure, density, flowrate, etc. and are NOT the same as the corresponding sections in the January 1977 version of 223.
Science Fundamentals (2), Chemistry (4) ......eg x24
- Chemistry, Course PI 24 Nuclear Training Centre - Rolphton, June 1982, 193 pages total - 30 subsections
- Index and Course Objectives
- Water and Heavy Water
- 24.11-1 Isotopic Separation - General (pdf 50 Kb, 3 pages), Doc#20042701
- 24.11-2 Isotopic Separation - Deuterium and Hydrogen (pdf 63 Kb, 4 pages), Doc#20042702
- 24.11-3 Fractional Distillation (pdf 92 Kb, 4 pages), Doc#20042703
- 24.12-0 Heavy Water Production - Enriching (pdf 21 Kb, 3 pages), Doc#20042704
- 24.13-0 Heavy Water Production - Finishing Process (pdf 19 Kb, 3 pages), Doc#20042705
- Water Composition and Treatment
- Moderator Water and Cover Gas
- Heat Transport System, Composition, Treatment and Transport of Radiation
- Heavy Water Leakage
- Environmental Monitoring
- Environmental Monitoring and Control
- Chemical Cleaning
- 24.60-1 Chemical Cleaning of Fouled Equipment (pdf 127 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20042724
- 24.61-1 Chemical Cleaning - NGD experience (pdf 18 Kb, 2 pages), Doc#20042725
- 24.61-1AI Decontamination of Douglas Pt. Reactor by CAN-DECON process ( pdf 305 Kb, 14 pages), Doc#20042726
- 24.61-1AII Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning Experience in Ontario Hydro's Nuclear Generating Divisions (pdf 430 Kb, 14 pages), Doc#20042727
- 24.61-1AIII Reference #3 (pdf 451 Kb, 15 pages), Doc#20042728
- Chemical Analysis
- Chemistry, Nuclear Training Course 224, TIMS Ref. 22004, October 1992, 135 pages, 5.4Mb total
- 224.00 Cover page, Table of contents, Introduction (pdf 513Kb, 16 pages), Doc#20040800
- 224.01 A Review of 424 (pdf 1.0Mb, 22 pages), Doc#20040801
- 224.02 The Condensate, Feedwater and Boiler System (pdf 1.30Mb, 32 pages), Doc#20040802
- 224.03 The Moderator and Auxiliary Systems (pdf 1.32Mb, 32 pages), Doc#20040803
- 224.04 The Heat Transport and Auxiliary Systems (pdf 658Kb, 16 pages), Doc#20040804
- 224.05 Auxiliary Systems: Liquid Zone Control, Irradiated Fuel Bay (pdf 595Kb, 17pages), Doc#20040805
- Ontario Hydro Heavy Water Reference Manual, September 1971 (R-1)
- Status: not scanned. This manual contains excerpts from x24 courses of 1971 and earlier. This manual will NOT be posted since we do not have permission from OPG (it is not a course, per se, and may contain proprioriety information). It does, however, contain bits of 124, 224 and 324, which CAN be posted.
- Action: x24 sections to be scanned and posted under their own entry.
Science Fundamentals (2), Heat and Thermodynamics (5) ......eg x25
- Heat and Thermodynamics, Course PI 25, Nuclear Training Centre - March 1984, 183 pages - 10 Subsections
- Full Course (pdf 2.7 Mb, 183 pages), Doc#20050200
- Course Content (by section)
- 25-0 Introduction and Course Procedures (pdf 107 Kb, 7 pages), Doc#20050201
- 25-1 Basics (pdf 418 Kb, 37 pages), Doc#20050202
- 25-2 Expansion and Contraction (pdf 330 Kb, 23 pages), Doc#20050203
- 25-3 Heat Transfer Calculations (pdf 147 Kb, 16 pages), Doc#20050204
- 25-4 Pressure Control (pdf 189 Kb, 13 pages), Doc#20050205
- 25-5 Mechanisms of Heat Transfer (pdf 132 Kb, 12 pages), Doc#20050206
- 25-6 Mollier Diagrams and The Turbine Process (pdf 760 Kb, 31 pages), Doc#20050207
- 25-7 Efficiency and The CANDU Cycle (pdf 20 Kb, pages), Doc#20050208
- 25-8 Criterion Tests (pdf 90 Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20050209
- 25-9 Self Evaluation Answer Sheet (pdf 321 Kb, 16 pages), Doc#20050210
- Heat and Thermodynamics, Course 125, Nuclear Training Centre - November 1981, 302 pages - 18 Subsections
- Full Course (pdf 6.0 Mb, 302 pages), Doc#20050100
- Course Content (by section)
- Module B.7 Course Procedures (pdf 78 Kb, 7 pages), Doc#20050101
- Module B.6 Basics (pdf 334 Kb, 20 pages), Doc#20050102
- Module B.5 Steam Tables (pdf 704 Kb, 41 pages), Doc#20050103
- Module B.4.2 Entropy, Throttling and Molier Diagram (pdf 936 Kb, 34 pages), Doc#20050104
- Module B.4.1 Turbine With Reheat (pdf 715 Kb, 32 pages), Doc#20050105
- Module B.3.2 Feedheater Operation (pdf 566 Kb, 30 pages), Doc#20050106
- Module B.3.1 Condenser Performance (pdf 612 Kb, 27 pages), Doc#20050107
- Module B.2 Steam Generator (pdf 483 Kb,24 pages), Doc#20050108
- Module B.1 Reactor (pdf 841 Kb, 38 pages), Doc#20050109
- Self Evaluation
- B.6 Evaluation (pdf 79 Kb, 4 pages), Doc#20050110
- B.5 Evaluation (pdf 56 Kb, 4 pages), Doc#20050111
- B.4.2 Evaluation (pdf 117 Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20050112
- B.4.1 Evaluation (pdf 103 Kb, 4 pages), Doc#20050113
- B.3.2 Evaluation (pdf 119 Kb, 7 pages), Doc#20050114
- B.3.1 Evaluation (pdf 112 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20050115
- B.2 Evaluation (pdf 134 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20050116
- B.1 Evaluation (pdf 92 Kb, 4 pages), Doc#20050117
- Criterion Tests (pdf 123 Kb, 9 pages), Doc#20050118
- Heat and Thermodynamics, Course 225, Nuclear Training Centre - April 1988, 229 pages - 9 Subsections
- Full Course (pdf 4.4 Mb, 229 pages), Doc#20043100
- Course Content (by section)
- Course Index (pdf 10 Kb, 2 pages), Doc#20043101
- Module 1 Basics (pdf 376 Kb, 20 pages), Doc#20043102
- Module 2 Steam Tables (pdf 619 Kb, 37 pages), Doc#20043103
- Module 3 Entropy, Throttling and Mollier Diagrams (pdf 709 Kb, 30 pages), Doc#20043104
- Module 4 Turbine with Reheat (pdf 609 Kb, 32 pages), Doc#20043105
- Module 5 Feedheater Operation (pdf 506 Kb, 29 pages), Doc#20043106
- Module 6 Condenser Performance (pdf 552 Kb, 26 pages), Doc#20043107
- Module 7 Steam Generator (pdf 373 Kb, 20 pages), Doc#20043108
- Module 8 Reactor (pdf 698 Kb, 33 pages), Doc#20043109
Science Fundamentals (2), Nuclear Theory (7) ......eg x27
- Nuclear Theory, Course PI 27, Nuclear Training Centre, January 1990, 176 Pages - 16 Subsections
- Full Course (pdf 7.2 Mb, 176 pages), Doc#20050600
- Course Content (by section)
- PI 27.00-00 Index and Objectives (pdf 183 Kb, 9 pages), Doc#20050601
- 427.00-02 Radioactivity - Spontaneous Nuclear Processes (pdf 301 Kb, 11 pages), Doc#20050602
- 227.00-01 Nuclear Structure (pdf 220 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20050603
- 227.00-02 Neutron Reactions (pdf 593 Kb, 16 pages), Doc#20050604
- 227.00-03 Neutron Cross Sections, Neutron Density and Neutron Flux (pdf 307 Kb, 9 pages), Doc#20050605
- 227.00-04 Thermal Reactors (Basic Design) (pdf 357 Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20050606
- 227.00-05 Neutron Multiplication Factor and Reactivity (pdf 196 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20050607
- 227.00-06 Neutron Flux Distribution (pdf 330 Kb, 11 pages), Doc#20050608
- 227.00-07 Effect of Fuel Burnup (pdf 544 Kb, 13 pages), Doc#20050609
- 227.00-08 Changes in Reactor Power with Time (pdf 359 Kb, 14 pages), Doc#20050610
- 227.00-09 Source Neutron Effects (pdf 300 Kb, 7 pages), Doc#20050611
- 227.00-10 Reactor and Power Measurement (pdf 584 Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20050612
- 227.00-11 Fission Product Poisoning (pdf 1,243 Kb, 20 pages), Doc#20050613
- 227.00-12 Reactivity Effects Due to Temperature Changes (pdf 440 Kb, 12 pages), Doc#20050614
- 227.00-13 Reactivity Control (pdf 902 Kb, 17 pages), Doc#20050615
- 227.00-14 The Approach to Critical (pdf 374 Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20050616
- Nuclear Theory, Course 127, Nuclear Training Centre, July 1974, 173 Pages- 21 Subsections
- Full Course (pdf 5.7 Mb, 173 pages), Doc#20050300
- Course Content (by section)
- 127.00-00 Index and Objectives (pdf 22 Kb, 2 pages), Doc#20050301
- 127.10-01 Nuclear Structure (pdf 461 Kb, 14 pages), Doc#20050302
- 127.10-02 Neutron Reactions (pdf 146 Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20050303
- 127.10-03 Fission (pdf 250 Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20050304
- 127.10-04 Neutron Cross Sections and Neutron Flux (pdf 277 Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20050305
- 127.10-05 The Chain Reaction (pdf 270 Kb, 7 pages), Doc#20050306
- 127.10-06 Moderator Properties (pdf 255 Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20050307
- 127.10-05b Neutron Balance and the Four Factor Formula (pdf 277 Kb, 9 pages), Doc#20050308
- 127.10-06b Effect of Enrichment, Fuel Arrangement and Fuel Burnup on the Four Factor Formula (pdf 284 Kb, 9 pages), Doc#20050309
- 127.10-07 Flux Distribution and Critical Size (pdf 203 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20050310
- 127.10-08 Function and Properties of the Reflector (pdf 224 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20050311
- 127.20-01 Review of Terms (pdf 192 Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20050312
- 127.20-02 Low Power Considerations (pdf 340 Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20050313
- 127.20-03 Effects Due to Temperature Changes and Void Formation (pdf 343 Kb, 9 pages), Doc#20050314
- 127.20-04 Effects Due to Fission Product Accumulation (pdf 311 Kb, 9 pages), Doc#20050315
- 127.20-05 Effects Due to Fuel Burnup (pdf 237 Kb, 7 pages), Doc#20050316
- 127.20-06 Reactor Control (pdf 322 Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20050317
- 127.20-07 The Approach to Critical and the Raising of Power (pdf 567 Kb, 11 pages), Doc#20050318
- 127.20-08 Examples of Practical Reactor Behaviour (pdf 268 Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20050319
- 127.20-09 Reactor Stability (pdf 137 Kb, 4 pages), Doc#20050320
- 127.20-10 Safety Considerations (pdf 321 Kb, 9 pages), Doc#20050321

- Nuclear Theory, Course 227, Nuclear Training Centre, July 1967, 77 Pages - 14 Subsections
- Full Course (pdf 2.5 Mb, 77 pages), Doc#20050400
- Course Content (by section)
- 227.00-01 Prompt, Delayed and Photo-Neutron Production (pdf 142 Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20050401
- 227.00-02 Neutron Balance During Steady Reactor Operation (pdf 200 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20050402
- 227.00-03 Neutron Density, Neutron Power and Neutron Flux (pdf 101 Kb, 4 pages), Doc#20050403
- 227.00-04 Neutron Flux Distribution and its Effect on Power (pdf 312 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20050404
- 227.00-05 Meaning of Criticality, Multiplication Factor, Reactivity and Neutron Lifetime (pdf 135 Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20050405
- 227.00-06 Change of Reactor Power with Reactivity Change (pdf 216 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20050406
- 227.00-07 Change of Reactor Power with Time (pdf 104 Kb, 4 pages), Doc#20050407
- 227.00-08 Effects of Prompt and Delayed Neutrons on Reactor Power Changes (pdf 320 Kb, 7 pages), Doc#20050408
- 227.00-09 Effect of Photoneutrons on Reactor Power Changes (pdf 157 Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20050409
- 227.00-10 Methods of Reactor Control (pdf 150 Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20050410
- 227.00-11 Starting Up a Reactor and Increasing Power (pdf 187 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20050411
- 227.00-12 Decreasing Power and Shutting Down a Reactor (pdf 147 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20050412
- 227.00-13 Xenon Poison and its Effects on Reactor Operation (pdf 232 Kb, 7 pages), Doc#20050413
- 227.00-14 Examples of Practical Reactor Behaviour (pdf 148 Kb, 5 pages), Doc#21450414
- Nuclear Theory, Course 227, Nuclear Training Centre, August 1980, 209 Pages - 19 Subsections
- Full Course (pdf 9.3 Mb, 209 pages), Doc#20053700
- Course Content (by section)
- 227.00-00 Index and Objectives (pdf 461 Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20053701
- 227.00-01 Nuclear Structure (pdf 295 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20053702
- 227.00-02 Neutron Reactions (pdf 729 Kb, 16 pages), Doc#20053703
- 227.00-03 Neutron Cross Sections, Neutron Density and Neutron Flux (pdf 338 Kb, 9 pages), Doc#20053704
- 227.00-04 Thermal Reactors (Basic Design) (pdf 378 Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20053705
- 227.00-05 Neutron Multiplication Factor and Reactivity (pdf 207 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20053706
- 227.00-06 Neutron Flux Distribution (pdf 357 Kb, 11 pages), Doc#20053707
- 227.00-07 Effect of Fuel Burnup (pdf 396 Kb, 13 pages), Doc#20053708
- 227.00-08 Changes in Reactor Power with Time (pdf 334 Kb, 14 pages), Doc#20053709
- 227.00-09 Source Neuron Effects (pdf 236 Kb, 7 pages), Doc#20053710
- 227.00-10 Power and Power Measurement (pdf 397 Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20053711
- 227.00-11 Fission Product Poisoning (pdf 1.1 Mb, 18 pages), Doc#20053712
- 227.00-12 Reactivity Effects Due to Temperature Changes (pdf 507 Kb, 12 pages), Doc#20053713
- 227.00-13 Reactivity Control (pdf 1 Mb, 17 pages), Doc#20053714
- 227.00-14 The Approach to Critical (pdf 157 Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20053715
- 227.00-15 Failed Fuel Monitoring (pdf 349 Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20053716
- 227 Appendix A Symbols (pdf 21 Kb, 1 pages), Doc#20053717
- 227 Appendix B Properties of Elements and Certain Molecules (pdf 109 Kb, 2 pages), Doc#20053718
- 227 Appendix C Nuclides and Isotopes (pdf 2 Mb, 34 pages), Doc#20053719
- Nuclear Theory, Course 227, Nuclear Training Centre, Revision R-1 August 1992, 220 pages, 10.2 Mb total
- Cover pages and table of contents (pdf 87Kb, 8 pages), Doc# 20031001
- Objectives (pdf 186Kb, 6 pages), Doc# 20031002
- Chapter 1: Nuclear Structure (pdf 229Kb, 6 pages), Doc# 20031003
- Chapter 2: Neutron Reactions (pdf 700Kb, 18 pages), Doc# 20031004
- Chapter 3: Neutron Cross Sections, Neutron Density and Neutron Flux (pdf 311Kb, 10 pages), Doc# 20031005
- Chapter 4: Thermal Reactors (Basic Design) (pdf 363Kb, 10 pages), Doc# 20031006
- Chapter 5: Neutron Multiplication Factor and Reactivity (pdf 197Kb, 6 pages), Doc# 20031007
- Chapter 6: Neutron Flux Distribution (pdf 350Kb, 12 pages), Doc# 20031008
- Chapter 7: Effect of Fuel Burnup (pdf 433Kb, 14 pages), Doc# 20031009
- Chapter 8: Changes in Reactor Power with Time (pdf 324Kb, 14 pages), Doc# 20031010
- Chapter 9: Source Neutron Effects (pdf 363Kb, 8 pages), Doc# 20031011
- Chapter 10: Power and Power Measurements (pdf 385Kb, 10 pages), Doc# 20031012
- Chapter 11: Fission Product Measurement (pdf 955Kb, 22 pages), Doc# 20031013
- Chapter 12: Reactivity Effects due to Temperature Changes (pdf 446Kb, 12 pages), Doc# 20031014
- Chapter 13: Reactivity Control (pdf 881Kb, 18 pages), Doc# 20031015
- Chapter 14: The Approach to Critical (pdf 468Kb, 8 pages), Doc# 20031016
- Appendix: A: Symbols (pdf 24Kb, 2 pages), Doc# 20031017
- Appendix: B: Properties of Elements and Certain Molecules (pdf 98Kb, 2 pages), Doc# 20031018
- Appendix: C: Nuclides and Isotopes (pdf 1.49Mb, 34 pages), Doc# 20031019
- Nuclear Theory, Course 427, Nuclear Training Centre - July 1990, 116 pages total - 14 Subsections
- Full Course (pdf 1.8 Mb, 116 pages), Doc# 20050500
- Course Content (by section)
- 427.00-00 Index and Objectives (pdf 21 Kb, 3 pages), Doc# 20050501
- 427.00-01 Atomic Structures (pdf 100 Kb, 7 pages), Doc# 20050502
- 427.00-02 Radioactivity (pdf 201 Kb, 11 pages), Doc# 20050503
- 427.00-03 Nuclear Stability and Instability (pdf 137 Kb, 7 pages), Doc# 20050504
- 427.00-04 Activity (pdf 107 Kb, 9 pages), Doc# 20050505
- 427.00-05 Neutrons and Neutron Interactions (pdf 96 Kb, 9 pages), Doc# 20050506
- 427.00-06 Fission (pdf 211 Kb, 13 pages), Doc# 20050507
- 427.00-07 Fuel, Moderator and Reactor Arrangement (pdf 159 Kb, 7 pages), Doc# 20050508
- 427.00-08 Neutron Life Cycle (pdf 96 Kb, 7 pages), Doc# 20050509
- 427.00-09 Criticality and Neutron Multiplication (pdf 168 Kb, 9 pages), Doc# 20050510
- 427.00-10 Changes in Reactor Power with Time (pdf 139 Kb, 9 pages), Doc# 20050511
- 427.00-11 Xenon : A Fission Product Poison (pdf 115 Kb, 9 pages), Doc# 20050512
- 427.00-12 Reactivity Effects Due to Temperature Changes (pdf 129 Kb, 7 pages), Doc# 20050513
- 427.00-13 Neutron Flux Control (pdf 148 Kb, 9 pages), Doc# 20050514
Science Fundamentals (2), Materials (8)
- Materials, Nuclear Training Course 228, TIMS Ref. 22008, June 1993, 78 pages, 4.1Mb total
- Material Properties and Selection
- 228.00 Cover page, Table of contents, Introduction (pdf 182Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20040900
- 228.01 Basic Material Properties and How They Can Be Altered (pdf 701Kb, 13 pages), Doc#20040901
- 228.02 Common Mechanical-Based Failure Modes (pdf 1.09Mb, 19 pages), Doc#20040902
- 228.03 Selection and Specification of Materials for Nuclear Applications (pdf 654Kb, 12 pages), Doc#20040903
- Effect of Radiation on Materials
Equipment and System Principles (3), Equipment Principles (0) (ie x30)
Equipment and System Principles (3), Mechanical Equipment (1) (ie x3x.1)
- Mechanical Equipment, Course PI 30.1 Nuclear Training Centre, January 1990, 285 pages total - 25 subsections
- Full Course (pdf 5.4 Mb, 285 pages), Doc#20043200
- Course Content (by section)
- PI 30.10-0 Introduction and Objectives (pdf 195 Kb, 12 pages), Doc#20043201
- 430.10-0 Identification and Coding of Mechanical Equipment (pdf 226 Kb, 9 pages), Doc#20043202
- 430.10-1 Centrifugal Pumps (pdf 363 Kb, 19 pages), Doc#20043203
- 330.10-1 Centrifugal Pumps (pdf 785 Kb, 40 pages), Doc#20043204
- 430.10-2 Positive Displacement Pumps (pdf 151 Kb, 9 pages), Doc#20043205
- 430.10-3 Compressonrs - Dynamic and Positive Displacement (pdf 284 Kb, 13 pages), Doc#20043206
- 430.10-4 Air System (pdf 79 Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20043207
- 430.10-5 Fans (pdf 49 Kb, 3 pages), Doc#20043208
- 430.10-6 Vacuum Pumps (pdf 177 Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20043209
- 230.11-1 Compressors (pdf 211 Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20043210
- 330.11-1 Heat Exchangers (pdf 204 Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20043211
- 430.12-1 Piping and Tubes (pdf 255 Kb, 15 pages), Doc#20043212
- 430.13-1 Valves (pdf 523 Kb, 30 pages), Doc#20043213
- 430.14-1 Lubrification (pdf 129 Kb, 6pages), Doc#20043214
- 430.14-2 Unit 1 Bearings (pdf 53 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20043215
- 430.14-2 Unit 2 Lubrification Methods (pdf 56 Kb, 4 pages), Doc#20043216
- 430.14-2 Unit 3 Bearing Design and Installation (pdf 69 Kb, 7 pages), Doc#20043217
- 230.12-1 Lubrification (pdf 229 Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20043218
- 430.15-1 Sealing Devices (pdf 161 Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20043219
- 330.14-1 Axial Mechanical Seals (pdf 178 Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20043220
- 230.13-1 Shaft Couplings (pdf 195 Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20043221
- 230.13-2 Belt Drives (pdf 248 Kb, 13 pages), Doc#20043222
- 230.13-3 Chain Drives (pdf 115 Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20043223
- 230.13-4 Gears and Gearing (pdf 253 Kb, 11 pages), Doc#20043224
- 230.16-1 Gas Turbines (pdf 271 Kb, 14 pages), Doc#20043225
- Mechanical Equipment, Course 23001 Nuclear Training Centre, September 1994, 9 Pages - 3 subsections
Equipment and System Principles (3), Electrical Equipment (2) (ie x3x.2)
- Electrical Equipment, Course PI 30.2, Nuclear Training Center, January 1990, 326 Pages - 16 Subsections
- Full Course (pdf 4.2 Mb, 326 pages), Doc#20050700
- Course Content (by section)
- Table of Contents (pdf 10 Kb, 2 pages), Doc#20050701
- PI 26.34-1 Impedance (pdf 132 Kb, 12 pages), Doc#20050702
- PI 26.35-1 Three Phase Systems (pdf 251 Kb, 21 pages), Doc#20050703
- PI 26.35-2 Power and Power Factor (pdf 166 Kb, 15 pages), Doc#20050704
- PI 30.20-1 The CANDU Generating Station (pdf 137 Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20050705
- PI 30.21-1 Conductors (pdf 400 Kb, 28 pages), Doc#20050706
- PI 30.21-2 Insulation (pdf 207 Kb, 15 pages), Doc#20050707
- PI 30.21-3 Fuses (pdf 311 Kb, 18 pages), Doc#20050708
- PI 30.21-4 Disconnect Switches and Circuit Breakers (pdf 467 Kb, 43 pages), Doc#20050709
- PI 30.22-1 Transformers (pdf 337 Kb, 29 pages), Doc#20050710
- PI 30.23-1 AC Generators (pdf 422 Kb, 19 pages), Doc#20050711
- PI 30.23-2 Generator Auxiliary Systems (pdf 389 Kb, 23 pages), Doc#20050712
- PI 30.24-1 Motors (pdf 305 Kb, 29 pages), Doc#20050713
- PI 30.25-1 Motor Control (pdf 344 Kb, 25 pages), Doc#20050715
- PI 30.26-1 Batteries (pdf 333 Kb, 28 pages), Doc#20050716
- Electrical Equipment, Course 230.2, Nuclear Training Center, January 1982, 232 Pages - 23 Subsections
- Introduction and Table of Contents
- Station Batteries and Battery Charges
- Switchgear
- Module 230.22-1 Busbars and Cables (pdf 174 Kbytes, 10 pages), Doc#20050803
- Module 230.22-2 Motor Control Centres (pdf 197 Kbytes, 13 pages), Doc#20050804
- Module 230.22-3 Air Circuit Breakers (pdf 227 Kbytes, 10 pages), Doc#20050805
- Module 230.22-4 Vacuum Contactors (pdf 69 Kbytes, 5 pages), Doc#20050806
- Module 230.22-5 Disconnect Switches, Ground Switches and G.T.D's (pdf 236 Kbytes, 15 pages), Doc#20050807
- Module 230.22-6 Oil and Air Blast Breakers (pdf 250 Kbytes, 16 pages), Doc#20050808
- Module 230.22-7 Circuit Breaker Control (pdf 210 Kbytes, 13 pages), Doc#20050809
- Transformers
- Electrical Metering
- Generators
- Module 230.25-1 Electrical and Magnetic Effects (pdf 116 Kbytes, 8 pages), Doc#20050814
- Module 230.25-2 Equivalent Circuits (pdf 190 Kbytes, 13 pages), Doc#20050815
- Module 230.25-3 Excitation Systems (pdf 180 Kbytes, 10 pages), Doc#20050816
- Module 230.25-4 Paralleling and Synchronizing (pdf 151 Kbytes, 10 pages), Doc#20050817
- Module 230.25-5 Infinite Bus Operation (pdf 114 Kbytes, 7 pages), Doc#20050818
- Module 230.25-6 Non-Infinite Bus Operation (pdf 136 Kbytes, 7 pages), Doc#20050819
- Module 230.25-7 Overfluxing (pdf 103 Kbytes, 6 pages), Doc#20050820
- Module 230.25-8 Loading (pdf 245 Kbytes, 13 pages), Doc#20050821
- Module 230.25-9 Operating Limitations (pdf 160 Kbytes, 8 pages), Doc#20050822
- Module 230.25-10 Laboratory AC Generator Project (pdf 224 Kbytes, 10 pages), Doc#20050823
Equipment and System Principles (3), Reactor Boiler and Auxiliaries (3) (ie x33)
- Reactor Boiler and Auxiliaries, Nuclear Training Course PI 33 / TIMS Ref. PI3003, January 1990
- Status: not scanned. Basically the February 1983 version of 233 with some pages from 433 of August 1990 interspersed.
- Action: to be scanned and posted
- Reactor Boiler and Auxiliaries, Course 133, Nuclear Training Centre, November 1966, 295 Pages - 28 Subsections
- Full Course (pdf 11.3 Mb, 295 pages), Doc#20050900
- Course Content (by section)
- 133.00-00 Index (pdf 32 Kb, 3 pages), Doc#20050901
- 133.10-01 The Function of a Reactor (pdf 254 Kb, 7 pages), Doc#20050902
- 133.10-02 Reactor Classification - Fast and Thermal Reactors (pdf 312 Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20050903
- 133.10-03 Reactor Classification - Types of Thermal Reactors (pdf 884 Kb, 17 pages), Doc#20050904
- 133.10-04 Reactor Construction (pdf 644 Kb, 15 pages), Doc#20050905
- 133.20-01 Moderator Requirements (pdf 220 Kb, 7 pages), Doc#20050906
- 133.20-02 Moderator Materials Properties and Comparison (pdf 465 Kb, 13 pages), Doc#20050907
- 133.20-03 Moderator System and Equipment Considerations (pdf 1,005 Kb, 22 pages), Doc#20050908
- 133.30-01 Heat Transport Fluid Requirements (pdf 386 Kb, 12 pages), Doc#20050909
- 133.30-02 Heat Transport Fluid Comparisons (pdf 620 Kb, 16 pages), Doc#20050910
- 133.30-03 Main Circuit Considerations (pdf 893 Kb, 22 pages), Doc#20050911
- 133.30-04 Auxiliary Circuits (pdf 732 Kb, 19 pages), Doc#20050912
- 133.40-01 Reflector Systems (pdf 382 Kb, 11 pages), Doc#20050913
- 133.40-02 Shield Cooling Systems (pdf 337 Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20050914
- 133.50-01 Functions of Reactivity Mechanisms (pdf 200 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20050915
- 133.50-02 Comparisons of Reactivity Mechanisms (pdf 749 Kb, 20 pages), Doc#20050916
- 133.62-01 Upgrading Requirements and Processes (pdf 168 Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20050917
- 133.62-02 Principles of Isotope Separation (pdf 119 Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20050918
- 133.62-03 The Distillation Upgrading Process (pdf 262 Kb, 7 pages), Doc#20050919
- 133.62-04 The Electrolytic Process (pdf 146 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20050920
- 133.62-05 Common Problems (pdf 196 Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20050921
- 133.71-01 General Fuel Considerations (pdf 194 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20050922
- 133.71-02 Fuel Preparation and Manufacture (pdf 250 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20050923
- 133.71-03 Canadian Designs and Their Performance (pdf 306 Kb, 7 pages), Doc#20050924
- 133.91-01 Safety Standards and Safety Measures (pdf 203 Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20050925
- 133.91-02 Emergency Injection and Containment Systems (pdf 160 Kb, 4 pages) , Doc#20050926
- 133.91-03 Safety System Performance (pdf 206 Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20050927
- 133.92-01Chemistry of Water Circuits (pdf 986 Kb, 27 pages), Doc#20050928
- Reactor, Boilers and Auxiliaries, Nuclear Training Course 133, April 1977, 166 pages, 11.3 Mb total
- Moderator
- Heat Transport
- Reactor Auxiliary Systems
- Reactivity Mechanisms
- Fuel
- Reactor, Boiler and Auxiliaries, Course 233 Nuclear Training Centre - Rolphton, February 1983, 304 Pages Total - 24 Subsections
- Table of Contents and Objectives
- Moderator
- 233.20-1 Moderator and Main Moderator System (pdf 459Kb, 23 pages), Doc#20042201
- 233.20-2 Moderator Purification (pdf 218Kb, 12 pages), Doc#20042202
- 233.20-3 Moderator Cover Gas System (pdf 119Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20042203
- 233.20-4 Moderator D2O Collection (pdf 113Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20042204
- 233.20-5 Moderator Liquid Poison System (pdf 317Kb, 18 pages), Doc#20042205
- Heat Transfer
- 233.30-1 Heat Transport D2O and Heat Transport Main System (pdf 267Kb, 16 pages), Doc#20042206
- 233.30-2 Heat Transport Pressurizing System (pdf 264Kb, 14 pages), Doc#20042207
- 233.30-3 Heat Transport Purification (pdf 222Kb, 14 pages), Doc#20042208
- 233.30-4 Heat Transport Gland Seal Circuit (pdf 155Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20042209
- 233.30-5 Heat Transport Shutdown Cooling (pdf 134Kb, 7 pages), Doc#20042210
- 233.30-6 Heat Transport Maintenance Cooling System (pdf 45Kb, 3 pages), Doc#20042211
- 233.30-7 Heat Transport H2 Addition (pdf 111Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20042212
- 233.30-8 Heat Transport Pressure Relief (pdf 191Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20042213
- 233.30-9 Heat Transport D2O Collection (pdf 93Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20042214
- 233.30-10 Heat Transport D2O Recovery (pdf 100Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20042215
- 233.30-11 Emergency Coolant Injection System (pdf 176Kb, 9 pages), Doc#20042216
- 233.30-12 Heat Sources and Transfer Paths, MISNUMBERED - page 4 missing (pdf 231Kb,15 pages), Doc#20042217
- Insulation and Containment
- Steam Supply System
- Fuel
- Reactor Boiler and Auxiliaries, Course 233, Nuclear Training Centre, June 1992, 352 Pages - 20 Subsections
- Full Course (pdf 16.6 Mb, 352 pages), Doc#20053800
- Course Content (by section)
- Abstract and Table of Contents (pdf 215 Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20053801
- Module 0 - Introduction (pdf 327 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20053802
- Module 1 - Moderator Heavy Water (pdf 439 Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20053803
- Module 2 - Moderator Circulation System (pdf 512 Kb, 12 pages), Doc#20053804
- Module 3 - Moderator Cover Gas System (pdf 472 Kb, 12 pages), Doc#20053805
- Module 4 - The Moderator Liquid Poison System (pdf 701 Kb, 17 pages), Doc#20053806
- Module 5 - The Moderator Purification System (pdf 594 Kb, 12 pages), Doc#20053807
- Module 6 - HTS Heat Sources and Heat Transfer Paths (pdf 433 Kb, 11 pages), Doc#20053808
- Module 7 - HTS Pressure and Inventory Control (pdf 1.8 Mb, 36 pages), Doc#20053809
- Module 8 - Heat Transport System Shutdown Operation (pdf 733 Kb, 16 pages), Doc#20053810
- Module 9 - HTS Heavy Water (pdf 710 Mb, 16 pages), Doc#20053811
- Module 10 - Heat Transport System Auxiliaries (pdf 898 Kb, 18 pages), Doc#20053812
- Module 11 - Shutdown Systems (pdf 849 Kb, 17 pages), Doc#20053813
- Module 12 - Emergency Coolant Injection (pdf 809 Kb, 17 pages), Doc#20053814
- Module 13 - Containment (pdf 1.2 Mb, 24 pages), Doc#20053815
- Module 14 - Annulus Gas System (pdf 489 Kb, 12 pages), Doc#20053816
- Module 15 - Shield Cooling Systems (pdf 639 Kb, 14 pages), Doc#20053817
- Module 16 - Fuel Performance (pdf 907 Kb, 18 pages), Doc#20053818
- Module 17 - Fuel Handling (pdf 754 Kb, 16 pages), Doc#20053819
- Module 18 - Unit Upsets (pdf 2.4 Mb, 55 pages), Doc#20053820
- Reactor Boiler and Auxiliaries, Course 433, Nuclear Training Centre, November 1968, 36 Pages - 9 Subsections
- Full Course (pdf 1.7 Mb, 36 pages), Doc#20051200
- Course Content (by section)
- 433.00-00 Index (pdf 20 Kb, 1 pages), Doc#20051201
- 433.10-01 Nuclear Power (pdf 129 Kb, 4 pages), Doc#20051202
- 433.10-02 Power Reactor Construction (pdf 180 Kb, 4 pages), Doc#20051203
- 433.20-01 Moderator Systems (pdf 152 Kb, 3 pages), Doc#20051204
- 433.30-01 Heat Transport Systems (pdf 265 Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20051205
- 433.40-01 Auxiliary Circuits (pdf 224 Kb, 4 pages), Doc#20051206
- 433.50-01 Fuel (pdf 268 Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20051207
- 433.50-02 Fuel Handling and Storage (pdf 184 Kb, 4 pages), Doc#20051208
- 433.60-01 Boiler Steam and Water Systems (pdf 339 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20051209
Equipment and System Principles (3), Turbine and Auxiliaries (4) (ie x34)
- Turbine and Auxiliaries, Course PI 34 / TIMS Ref. PI 3004, Nuclear Training Centre, January 1990, 290 Pages - 21 Subsections
- Full Course (pdf 11.5 Mb, 289 pages), Doc#20051000
- Course Content (by section)
- PI 34.00-00 Index and Objectives (pdf 392 Kb, 15 pages), Doc#20051001
- 334.00-01 The Steam Turbine (pdf 661 Kb, 16 pages), Doc#20051002
- 234.00-01 Turbine Construction (pdf 1,014 Kb, 24 pages), Doc#20051003
- 334.00-03 The Steam System (pdf 506 Kb, 12 pages), Doc#20051004
- 234.00-02 Steam Control to the Turbine (pdf 503 Kb, 13 pages), Doc#20051005
- 334.00-07 The Condenser (pdf 540 Kb, 12 pages), Doc#20051006
- PI 25-06 The Mollier Diagram and the Turbine Processes (pdf 1,506 Kb, 31 pages), Doc#20051007
- 334.00-08 Feedwater Heating System -1 (pdf 240 KB, 7 pages), Doc#20051008
- 334.00-09 Feedwater Heating System -2 (pdf 349 Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20051009
- 234.00-07 Feedwater Control and Operation (pdf 640 Kb, 19 pages), Doc#20051010
- PI 24.21-01 Secondary Heat Transport System - Impurities (pdf 257 Kb, 7 pages), Doc#20051011
- PI 24.21-02 Chemical Additives and Blowdown (pdf 307 Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20051012
- PI 25-07 Efficiency of the CANDU Turbine Cycle (pdf 624 Kb, 20 pages), Doc#20051013
- 234.00-03 Steam Valve Hydraulic Control (pdf 296 Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20051014
- 234.00-04 Governor Operation (pdf 572 Kb, 17 pages), Doc#20051015
- 234.00-05 Turbine Governors (pdf 743 Kb, 20 pages), Doc#20051016
- 334.00-10 The Lubricating Oil System (pdf 315 Kb, 7 pages), Doc#20051017
- 334.00-11 The Turning Gear (pdf 127 Kb, 3 pages), Doc#20051018
- 234.00-06 Turbine Operational Problems (pdf 650 Kb, 11 pages), Doc#20051019
- 234.00-08 Factors Limiting Startup and Rates of Loading (pdf 1,004 Kb, 24 pages), Doc#20051020
- 334.00-13 appendix 1 Ontario Hydro Nuclear Turbine Types (pdf 276 Kb, 9 pages), Doc#20051021
- Turbine, Generator and Auxiliaries, Course 134, Nuclear Training Centre, September 1976, 124 Pages - 8 Subsections
- Full Course (pdf 3.8 Mb, 124 pages), Doc#20051100
- Course Content (by section)
- 134.00-00 Index and Objectives (pdf 142 Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20051101
- 134.00-01 Turbine Theory (pdf 850 Kb, 27 pages), Doc#20051102
- 134.00-02 Turbine Operational Performance (pdf 559 Kb, 18 pages), Doc#20051103
- 134.00-03 Turbine Operational Problems (pdf 596 Kb, 16 pages), Doc#20051104
- 134.00-04 Turbine Start-Up (pdf 364 Kb, 13 pages), Doc#20051105
- 134.00-05 Factors Limiting Startup and Rates of Loading (pdf 599 Kb, 20 pages), Doc#20051106
- 134.00-06 Reliability and Testing Requirements (pdf 257 Kb, 9 pages), Doc#20051107
- 134.00-07 Maintenance (pdf 437 Kb, 13 pages), Doc#20051108
- Turbine and Auxiliaries, Course 234, Nuclear Training Centre, July 1994, 493 pages total - 15 Subsections
- Introduction
- Major Components and Systems
- Module 234-01 The Steam Turbine (pdf 740 Kb, 32 pages), Doc#20042401
- Module 234-02 The Boiler (pdf 812 Kb, 37 pages), Doc#20042402
- Module 234-03 The Main Steam System (pdf 1,377 Kb, 55 pages), Doc#20042403
- Module 234-04 Auxiliary Steam Systems (pdf 638 Kb, 29 pages), Doc#20042404
- Module 234-05 The Condenser and its Auxiliary Systems (pdf 1,071 Kb, 48 pages), Doc#20042405
- Module 234-06 The Condensate, the Boiler Feed and Their Auxiliary Systems (pdf 1,647 Kb, 70 pages), Doc#20042406
- Turbine Auxiliary Systems
- Operational Aspects of Turbine, Boiler, Steam and Feedwater Systems
Equipment and System Principles (3), Electrical Systems (5) (ie x35)
- Electrical Systems, Course 135, Nuclear Training Centre, November 1980, 71 Pages - 6 Subsections
- Full Course (pdf 1.4 Mb, 71 pages), Doc#20051300
- Course Content (by section)
- 135.00-00 Index and Objectives (pdf 54 Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20051301
- 135.01-01 Introduction to Symmetrical Components and Unbalanced Current (pdf 170 Kb, 9 pages), Doc#20051302
- 135.02-01 Unbalanced Currents: Their Effects (pdf 232 Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20051303
- 135.03-01 Further Examples of Electrical Protective Relays (pdf 399 Kb, 18 pages), Doc#20051304
- 135.04-01 Composite Electrical Protective Schemes: Part 1 (pdf 321 Kb, 18 pages), Doc#20051305
- 135.05-01 Composite Electrical Protective Schemes: Part 2 (pdf 245 Kb, 11 pages), Doc#20051306
- Electrical Systems, Nuclear Training Course 235, January 1980
- Status: document missing.
- Action: locate document, scan and post.
- Electrical Systems, Nuclear Training Course 235, July 1992,137 Pages - 9 subsections
- Introduction and Table of Contents
- Power Distribution
- Electrical Protection
- Module 235.03 Electrical Protection Schemes (pdf 75 Kb, 4 pages), Doc#20042903
- Module 235.04 Application of Electrical Protection Schemes in the Power Station (pdf 165 Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20042904
- Module 235.05 Electric Motor Protection (pdf 379 Kb, 20 pages), Doc#20042905
- Module 235.06 Power Transformer Protection (pdf 235 Kb, 13 pages), Doc#20042906
- Module 235.07 Generator Protection (pdf 354 Kb, 18 pages), Doc#20042907
- Stability
- Appendix
Equipment and System Principles (3), Instrumentation and Control (6) (ie x36)
- Instrumentation and Control, Nuclear Training Course PI 36(A), April 1984
- Status: document missing.
- Action: locate document, scan and post.
- Instrumentation and Control, Course 136 Nuclear Training Centre - Rolphton; February 1982, 92 pages total - 6 subsections
- Course Index and Objectives (pdf 51Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20042300
- 136.00-12 Control Equipment Review (pdf 219Kb, 11 pages), Doc#20042301
- 136.00-2 Control Theory Review (pdf 464Kb, 28 pages), Doc#20042302
- 136.00-3 Control Mode Settings (pdf 205Kb,12pages), Doc#20042303
- 136.00-4 Introduction to Frequency Response (pdf 656Kb, 24pages), Doc#20042304
- 136.00-5 Direct Digital Control of Processes (pdf 220Kb, 12pages), Doc#20042305
- Instrumentation and Control, Nuclear Training Course 236.0, April 1982
- Status: document missing.
- Action: locate document, scan and post.
Radiation Protection Training (R.P.T.)
- Course #1, Sections 1 to 8, 11. No date.
- Status: not scanned.
- Action: to be scanned and posted
