Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) Technical Documents
Training Courses
- Fundamentals of Power Reactors Training Course(Very nicely done! Thanks folks.)
- Module One - Science & Engineering Fundamentals
- Week 1_01 (pdf 4.86Mb, 286 pages)
Basis of Nuclear Structure and Fission
Concepts of Reactivity and Criticality
Neutron thermalisation and Reactor kinetics
Nuclear Technologies
Basic Design of a CANDU Nuclear Reactor
Reactivity Effects In Candu
Neutron Flux in CANDU
Reactor Regulation and Control Instrumentation
Reactor Simulations and Power Manoeuvring
- Week 1_02 (pdf 6.61Mb, 338pages)
Introduction to Thermodynamics
Single Phase Flow: Part 1
Fluid Mechanics - Single Phase Flow: Part 2
Two Phase Flows
Operation Under Two Phase Flows
Heat Exchangers
Boiling Heat Transfer
Reactor Materials
Chemical Aspects of Nuclear Power Plant Operations
- Module Two - Nuclear Reactor Systems
- Week 2_01 (pdf 5.81Mb, 198pages)
Site Selection
Layout Safety
Control Room Design
Reactor Assembly
Main Moderator System
Moderator Purification System
Annulus Gas System
Service Water Systems
- Week 2_02 (pdf 7.56Mb, 324 pages)
Heat Transport System
Control of HTS Pressure
Shutdown Cooling System
D 2 O Handling
Fuel Channels
Fuel Handling
Human Factors
- Week 2_03 (pdf 3.22Mb, 214 pages)
Main Steam Supply and Feedwater System
Control of Boiler Level
Control of Boiler Pressure (BPC)
Turbine- Generator and Associated Systems
Station Electrical Systems
Monitoring, Protection and Transfer Schemes
Generation and Transmission of Electrical Power
Station Electrical Systems Abnormal Events
- Week 2_04 (pdf 3.81Mb, 208 pages)
Overall Plant Control
Liquid Injection Shutdown System
Emergency Core Cooling System
Candu Shutdown Systems
Containment System
Research Reactors
- Module Three - Radiation Protection
- Week 3_01 (pdf 5.14Mb, 162 pages)
Radiation Hazards in the Nuclear Industry
Radiation Protection Theory & Program for a Typical CANDU Station
External and Internal Dose Control at Nuclear Stations
Sources of Occupational Dose in CANDU Stations
Emission Sources and Derived Emission Limits for a CANDU Station
Potential Consequences of an Accident and Description of Important Reactor Accidents
Radiation Emergency Response

- Science & Reactor FundamentalsTraining Course(The CNSC appreciated the assistance that was received from Bruce Power)
- Volume One
- Mechanical Equipment
Cover page
Mechanical Equipment Course (pdf 1.46 Mb, 48 pages), Doc# 20030201
Vibrations (presentation) (pdf 1.14 Mb), Doc# 20030202
Valves (presentation) (pdf 2.95 Mb), Doc# 20030203
Flowsheets (presentation) (pdf 1.80 Mb), Doc# 20030204
Équipement Mécanique (French) (pdf 933 Kb, 65 pages), Doc# 20070700
- Basic Instrumentation and Control
Cover page
Basic Instrumentation and Control Course (English) (pdf 851Kb, 125 pages), Doc# 20030401
Pressure Measurement (presentation) (pdf 369Kb), Doc# 20030402
Flow Measurement (presentation) (pdf 403Kb), Doc# 20030403
Level Measurement (presentation) (pdf 307Kb), Doc# 20030404
Temperature Measurement (presentation) (pdf 306Kb), Doc# 20030405
Neutron Flux Measurement (presentation) (pdf 291Kb), Doc# 20030406
Control (presentation) (pdf 552Kb), Doc# 20030407
I & C Diagrams (presentation) (pdf 106Kb), Doc# 20030408
Instrumentation Fondamentale (French) (pdf 849 Kb, 130 pages), Doc#20070400
- Materials
Cover page
Materials Course (English) (pdf 873 Kb, 55 pages), Doc# 20030301
Materials & Chemistry (presentation) (pdf 702Kb), Doc# 20030302
Corrosion (presentation) (pdf 1.31 Mb), Doc# 20030303
Radiation Effects on Materials (presentation) (pdf 1.13 Mb), Doc# 20030304
Les Matériaux (French) (pdf 411 Kb, 65 pages), Doc# 20070600
- Volume Two
- Volume Three
- Volume Four
- CANDU Fundamentals Training Course (2003)
- Download complete course (26 modules) - pdf 6.2Mb, 314 pages, Doc#20040700
- Module 1: Objectives (pdf 413Kb, 24 pages), Doc#20040701
- Module 2: Atomic Structure (pdf 252Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20040702
- Module 3: Radioactivity - Spontaneous Nuclear Processes (pdf 364Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20040703
Presentation for Module 3 (pdf 527Kb, 14 pages), Doc#20040727
- Module 4: Nuclear Stability and Instability (pdf 259Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20040704
Presentation for Module 4 (pdf 1.33Mb, 5 pages), Doc#20040728
- Module 5: Activity and Half-Life (pdf 266Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20040705
Presentation for Module 5 (pdf 118Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20040729
- Module 6: Neutrons and Neutron Interactions (pdf 290Kb, 7 pages), Doc#20040706
Presentation for Module 6 (pdf 160Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20040730
- Module 7: Fission (pdf 478Kb, 12 pages), Doc#20040707
Presentation for Module 7 (pdf 3.66Mb, 21 pages), Doc#20040731
- Module 8: Fuel, Moderator, and Reactor Management (pdf 226Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20040708
Presentation for Module 8 (pdf 916Kb, 9 pages), Doc#20040732
- Module 9: Nuclear Safety (pdf 179Kb, 18 pages), Doc#20040709
Presentation for Module 9 (pdf 455Kb, 16 pages), Doc#20040733
- Module 10: Nuclear Power Reactors (pdf 202Kb, 12 pages), Doc#20040710
Presentation for Module 10 (pdf 677Kb, 9 pages), Doc#20040734
- Module 11: CANDU Reactor Construction (pdf 639Kb, 18 pages), Doc#20040711
Presentation for Module 11 (pdf 1.23Mb, 16 pages), Doc#20040735
- Module 12: Moderator System (pdf 192Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20040712
- Module 13: Moderator Auxiliary Systems (pdf 248Kb, 14 pages), Doc#20040713
Presentation for Modules 12 & 13: Moderator System (pdf 715Kb, 19 pages), Doc#20040736
- Module 14: Heat Transport System (HTS) (pdf 401Kb, 10 pages), Doc#20040714
- Module 15: Heat Transport Auxiliary Systems (pdf 364Kb, 16 pages), Doc#20040715
Presentation for Modules 14 & 15: Heat Transport System (pdf 1.03Mb, 24 pages), Doc#20040737
- Module 16: Reactor Fuel (pdf 492Kb, 14 pages), Doc#20040716
Presentation for Module 16: Fuel and Fuelling (pdf 2.18Mb, 16 pages), Doc#20040738
- Module 17: Neutron Life Cycle (pdf 217Kb, 6 pages), Doc#20040717
Presentation for Module 17 (pdf 149Kb, 5 pages), Doc#20040739
- Module 18: Criticality and Neutron Multiplication (pdf 291Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20040718
Presentation for Module 18 (pdf 693Kb, 14 pages), Doc#20040740
- Module 19: Changes In Reactor Power With Time (pdf 231Kb,8 pages), Doc#20040719
- Module 20: Xenon: A Fission Product Poison (pdf 282Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20040720
- Module 21: Reactivity Effects of Temperature Changes (pdf 263Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20040721
Presentation for Modules 9, 20 & 21: Changes in Reactor Power with Time (pdf 2.68Mb, 29 pages), Doc#20040741
- Module 22: Neutron Flux Control (pdf 304Kb, 8 pages), Doc#20040722
Presentation for Module 22 (pdf 154Kb, 9 pages), Doc#20040742
- Module 23: Reactivity Mechanisms (pdf 526Kb, 16 pages), Doc#20040723
Presentation for Module 23 (pdf 1.85Mb, 20 pages), Doc#20040743
- Module 24: Emergency Coolant Injection & Containment (pdf 778Kb, 16 pages), Doc#20040724
Presentation for Module 24 (pdf 1.0Mb, 17 pages), Doc#20040744
- Module 25: The Conventional Side of the Station (pdf 1.03Mb, 20 pages), Doc#20040725
Presentation for Module 25 (pdf 1.5Mb, 28 pages), Doc#20040745
- Module 26: Other Major Systems (pdf 650Kb, 22 pages), Doc#20040726
Presentation for Module 26 (pdf 2.52Mb, 16 pages), Doc#20040746

- Fluid MechanicsTraining Course (2003)
- Intermediate Reactors, Boilers and Auxiliaries
- Réacteurs à Neutrons Intermédiaires et Auxiliaires (French) (pdf 2.8 Mb, 296 pages), Doc#20070500
Systèmes Spéciaux de Sûreté (pdf 233 Kb, 32 pages), Doc#20070501
Combustible (pdf 275 Kb, 29 pages), Doc#20070502
CC (pdf 1.5 Mb, 63 pages), Doc#20070503
Réacteurs à Neutrons Intermédiaires et Auxiliaires (pdf 939 Kb, 33 pages), Doc#20070504
Circuits du Réacteur (pdf 395 Kb, 23 pages), Doc#20070505
