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File info: 37000-fuel/fig122_Fuel_Eng_Coat_of_Arms.jpg (size: 252 K)
Description: The coat of arms is protected by AECL Proprietary and Final Preliminary Draft. The shield is divided into quadrants by red tape. Superimposed on it is a bastard bundle. The upper left quadrant represents the engineering terms of fuel behaviour. The upper right quadrant represents terms developed in manufacture of fuel. The lower left quadrant represents terms of heat transfer and corrosion. The lower right quadrant represents the mystical chemical symbols of the coolant chemistry. Above the shield is the Omnipresent bull moose of our founder Dr. Ara J. Mooradian. Superimposed is a bird cage representing a fuel carriage. Above which is the loop rampant and unstable. Underneath the shield is the banner burnt at both ends by Burnup and Burnout. Upon which the motto is inscribed ‘Caveat Emptor’ - ‘Let the buyer beware’ or ‘If it fails do not blame us!’ Below which rests ‘The never completed final report’.
Source: Ron Page, email 2001.08.20-21 to WJG, The Fuel Engineering Coat of Arms was designed many decades ago by Alan Lane and Ron Page for an Engineering Ball at Deep River.
File info: 37000-fuel/fig201_Double_Length_Bundle.jpg (size: 120 K)
Description: There was always the question of double length bundles as the fueling machines magazines were two bundles long. I always had great doubts of it’s practicability. Late in the programme a couple of bundles were built. The dimensional stability of the bundle was poor due the long elements. There was a large problem in trying to find a means of making a rigid plane in the center plane of the bundle to improve the stability of the elements. The handling of the 100 lb. bundle presented too many problems both in manufacture and at the stations. It was not developed further.
Source: Ron Page, email 2001.08.20-22 to WJG
File info: 37000-fuel/fig202_25_ton_flask_over_NRU.jpg (size: 240 K)
Description: The 25 ton flask is used to remove irradiated fuel strings from the U-2 and U-1 loop test sections in the NRU research reactor at Chalk River.
Source: Ron Page, email 2001.08.20-22 to WJG
File info: 37000-fuel/fig203_J-rod_Flask_over_NRU.jpg (size: 198 K)
Description: The NRU reactor was the first reactor in the world to use on-power fueling. That was way back in the late 1950's. It is still operating as of August 2001 but it is reaching the end of its useful live and needs replacing. All the power reactor fuel bundles were tested for performance in this reactor, either in the U-2 or U-1 light water cooled loops. Each loop test section could accommodate six bundles vertically in a string.
Source: Ron Page, email 2001.08.20-22 to WJG
File info: 37000-fuel/fig204_Universal_Hot_Cells.jpg (size: 263 K)
Description: The Universal Hot Cells were used to examine irradiated fuel bundles and to disassemble the strings of fuel. The fuel bundles were examined and measured for dimensional changes and individual elements were cut out of the bundles for more detailed examinations.
Source: Ron Page, email 2001.08.20-22 to WJG
File info: 37000-fuel/fig205_Bundle in Hot Cells.jpg (size: 143 K)
Description: A 19 element fuel bundle being remotely moved by special tongs in the hot cells. This bundle had been irradiated to over 8,500 Mwd/tonne U at a heat rating of 43 W/cm. Note the circumferential ridges at the UO2 pellet interfaces.
Source: Ron Page, email 2001.08.20-22 to WJG
File info: 37000-fuel/fig206_Milling_the_end_plate.jpg (size: 155 K)
Description: To disassemble a fuel bundle in the hot cells remotely, the end plates were cut apart by a milling machine.
Source: Ron Page, email 2001.08.20-22 to WJG
File info: 37000-fuel/fig207_Fuel_bundle_carriage.jpg (size: 139 K)
Description: For fuel bundle testing in the verticle loops at NRU, six fuel bundles were assembled via a fuel carriage tensioned at one end with a spring, sometimes called a ‘birdcage’. The six bundle assembly was essentially 1/2 of a CANDU fuel channel.
Source: Ron Page, email 2001.08.20-22 to WJG
File info: 37000-fuel/fig208_Bundle_strength_testing.jpg (size: 178 K)
Description: Each type of bundle was strength tested in a compression test rig at temperature before and after irradiation. Irradiated bundles were some times stronger than the limit of the machine capabilities. These test was necessary to ensure that the bundles could withstand the fueling machine and hydraulic loads.
Source: Ron Page, email 2001.08.20-22 to WJG
File info: 37000-fuel/fig901_Fuel_Bundle_Development.jpg (size: 749 K)
Description: Generic diagram of what the central role that fuel played and what teams had to coordinate to get the various fuel programmes designed and into production.
Source: Ron Page, email 2001.08.20-22 to WJG
File info: 37000-fuel/fig902_Fuel_Engineering_center_of_Universe.jpg (size: 571 K)
Description: Specific diagram of what the central role that fuel played and what teams had to coordinate to get the various fuel programmes designed and into production.
Source: Ron Page, email 2001.08.20-22 to WJG
File info: 37000-fuel/Spent_Fuel_Handling.pdf (size: 78 K)
Source: William Snook, email 2001.10.02 to WJG image file Some_tec.pdf (1 of 8)
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