The Canadian Nuclear Enterprise is comprised of a number of interrelated but independent entities. The intent of this site is to be the best and most comprehensive arms length single point of entry to all aspects of the Canadian Nuclear Enterprise.
Please add your contributions using the existing pages as a loose framework and template to utilize Category tagging and the automatic generation of a Table of Contents. Of course you are free to change the framework too; that is what a wiki is all about. Malicious or rude users will be blocked. Note: Because of spam issues, you will need to email the Site Administrator for login privileges.
Quick navigational links are on the side bar to the left, including Help Page to get editing or search help or to contact the site Administrator.
Site Contents
Good Starting Points - Links to existing, good specialized Canadian nuclear sites that contain a lot of links. Poke around; it is a good way to get started.
Discussion - Links to discussion groups such as blogs, forums, email list servers, etc.
Companies - Links to companies related to the Canadian Nuclear Enterprise.
Universities - Links to nuclear science and engineering research and education to make it easy and convenient for students and industry to find out who is doing what and where. The focus is Canadian Universities, of course, but we should not neglect others. Industry might like to establish a few points of technical contact.
Groups - Links to Societies, associations, networks and individuals related to the Canadian Nuclear Enterprise
Technical Documents - Links to technical documents related to the Canadian Nuclear Enterprise (courses, training manuals, books, etc.).
Archived Sites - Links to archived versions of seminal personal sites - just in case.
Career Information - Find out how to get started in a nuclear field in Canada
Disciplines Disciplines related to the Canadian Nuclear Enterprise. There no links supplied to date. Please contribute.
The Essential CANDU - a CANDU Textbook - UNENE is pleased to host "The Essential CANDU" textbook, developed jointly with the CANDU Owners Group. The textbook explains the science and engineering of nuclear reactors, with emphasis on the CANDU design; and provides a unique and comprehensive learning resource for students, educators, trainers and working professionals. The material is suitable for the senior undergraduate or graduate level in university engineering and science. The textbook also supplements and augments the course materials provided to students enrolled in the UNENE M.Eng. The textbook is provided free of charge in pdf format.