This page contains Nuclear News and Topical Items
General Nuclear News
- Canada Canadian nuclear news from Google
- WNN - World Nuclear News, the foremost international nuclear news service
- NucNet - news about the most important developments in nuclear power world-wide
- 1 Nuclear Place - a comprehensive guide to nuclear news and information on the internet, jobs, bookstore, classifieds and more. Very comprehensive for such a new site.
- - A valuable resource for professionals in the Nuclear Industry featuring news, a buyer's guide, procurement opportunities, jobs, conference details and much more. The site is hosted by, a private business based in London. Site information is posted by individual member companies. Students can register their profile at the Career Center and will be informed by email each time a relevant job notice is posted by one of the members.
- Decommissioning
- [1] - DDSC - The Decontamination and Decommissioning Science Consortium
Japanese earthquake / tsunami info related to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors
- Canada CNSC information update regarding the earthquake in Japan
- Canada CNS - a backgrounder and summary.
- WNN - World Nuclear News seems to be one of the better sources of news information
- IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency update on Japan Earthquake
- NEI - Nuclear Energy Institute
- NHK news service
- OECD/NEA - OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
- NISA - The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency in Japan
- presentations on the Fukushima Daiichi Accident and Initial Safety Measures Worldwide Apr.04.2011
- JAIF - The Japan Atomic Industrial Forum,Inc.
- JNES - Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization
- ENS - European Nuclear Society
- ANS - American Nuclear Society Cafe (blog)
- Japanese nuclear news from Google
- Informed commentary and technical presentations
- Real-time data
- - home of the National Radiation Map, depicting environmental radiation levels across the USA, updated in real time every minute. See what radiation levels are in the USA at any time.
Electricity / Power Generation
- Canadian Energy Issues - Where energy converges with environment in Canada and the rest of the world. All energy is political. By Steve Aplin.
- Cold Air Currents by Scott Luft - contains posts from the web of interest to the author, generally with comments.
- Articles by Don Jones on wind power and load following issues. See also .
- 1, "IESO - less dispatching of nuclear if you please", Don Jones,
- 2, "An alternative Long-Term Energy Plan for Ontario - Greenhouse gas-free electricity by 2045", Don Jones, also earlier version posted on
- 3, "IESO - will Ontario's wind turbine power plants reduce greenhouse gas emissions?", Don Jones,
- 4, "Gas and wind on the Ontario grid - not a chicken and egg thing", Don Jones,
- 5, "Ontario needs more than 2,000 MW of new nuclear despite what the Long-Term Energy Plan says", Don Jones,
- 6, "More wind means more risk to the Ontario electricity grid", Don Jones, also posted on
- 7, "Why Ontario has to export electricity", Don Jones,
- 8, "Nuclear and Wind on the Ontario Electricity Grid", Don Jones,
- 9, "Time for the Ontario government to rethink this gas and wind thing", Don Jones,
- 10, "Ontario's CANDUs can be more flexible than gas-fired generation and hydro generation", Don Jones, . Also posted on and and
- 11, "Ontario's future economy dependent on precarious natural gas", Don Jones,
- 12, "Another inconvenient truth", Don Jones,
- 13, " Failure to condemn wind may condemn Darlington B", Don Jones,
- Note: Articles 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, and 13 also appeared in the Canadian Nuclear Society's BULLETIN quarterly journal. The BULLETIN also has more of Don's articles that are not on the internet.
General Nuclear History and Archives
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