26th CNS/CNA Annual Student Conference
First Place (Undergraduate):
Officer-Cadets Julian Kim, Philippe Nault, Mathieu L'Italien and Christopher Prechotko, "
Design of an Irradiation Facility for the Destruction of Spent Plastic Explosives
", Royal Military College.
First Place (Master's):
Lt(N) Lloyd Cosby, "
Slowpoke Integrated Reactor Control and Instrumentation System (SIRCIS)
", Royal Military College.
First Place (Doctoral):
Mr David Gilbert, "
Foundation for a Visual Simulation Toolkit
", McMaster University.
Andrew Lee (OPG)
Jad Popovic (AECL)
Roger Steed (NB Power)
Jerry Cuttler (Cuttler & Associates Inc.)
Parviz Gulshani (AECL)
Peter Stevens-Guille (OPG)
Both the conference organizers and the students wish to express their appreciation to the large group of judges, representing so many partners within the nuclear industry. Thank you.