Nuc Eng
ENg2M4 Page
Engineering 2M4 - Electrical Science
- Lectures for the academic years 1983/84 through to 1987/88 for Mechanical Engineers
Course administration
Course notes
- Chapter 1 - Introduction, text (pdf 1.4Mb)
- Chapter 2 - The Evolution of the Concept of a Field, text (pdf 464kb)
- Chapter 3 - Electric Charge, text (pdf 207kb)
- Chapter 4 -The Electric Field, text (pdf 936kb)
- Chapter 5 - The Electric Potential, text (pdf 674kb)
- Chapter 6 - Capacitance, text (pdf 643kb)
- Chapter 7 - Current and Circuits, text (pdf 1.4Mb)
- Chapter 8 - Dielectrics, text (pdf 846kb)
- Chapter 9 - Magnetic Forces and Fields, text (pdf 1.1Mb)
- Chapter 10 - Induced EMF, text (pdf 1.3Mb)
- Chapter 11 - Magnetic Materials, text (pdf 1.2Mb)
- Chapter 12 - AC Circuits, text (pdf 646kb)
- Summary - Concept Map, text (pdf 188kb)
- Notation, text (pdf 519kb)
- Appendix 1 - Math Notation and Definitions, text (pdf 2.0Mb)
- Appendix 2 - Fact Sheet, text (pdf 65kb)
- Appendix 3 - Suggested Problems and Notes, text (pdf 280kb)
- Appendix 4 - Assignments and Solutions, text (pdf 22.3Mb) [password protected]
- Appendix 5 - Quizzes / Midterms and Solutions, text (pdf 905kb) [password protected]
- Appendix 5 - Final Exams and Solutions, text (pdf 16.8Mb) [password protected]
Interesting and Informative Links
- Teaching matters - helpful general
information on teaching and learning for the student and the educator.
- Computing tools - some suggestions.