Nuclear Career Page
Notice: This page has been superceeded as of July 28, 2007. It is maintained here for archival purposes and will not be kept up to date. It's contents were moved to www.nuclearcanada.ca, a wiki based that permits users to contribute their own links.
Heads up:
The Lay of the Land
- CNA Members - The CNA (Canadian
Nuclear Association) is an association of many industries and enterprises
sharing a common interest in the development and application of nuclear energy
for peaceful purposes. Members include uranium producers, reactor manufacturers,
electrical utilities, engineering companies, banks, employee unions,departments
of federal and provincial governments, and educational establishments. Check
out this link to find out who's who.
- OCI - The Organization of CANDU Industries represents its membership in support of domestic and international equipment supply to the nuclear industry. Their membership list of 86 companies can be found on their membership page. Check out this link to find out who's who.
- The Engineering Institute of Canada -
A federation of technical societies, the EIC is the leading proponent of continuing education
and technical professional development in the Canadian engineering community.
- Canadian Council of Professional Engineers -
CCPE is the national organization of the 12 provincial and territorial associations/ordre that regulate the practice of engineering in Canada and license the country's more than 160,000 professional engineers.
This site offers detailed information on the programs, services and initiatives that CCPE undertakes, and on the various boards, committees and volunteers. It also contains links to the Web sites of member associations/ordre as well as to other engineering organizations around the world.
- Seminar: The CANDU Program and AECL by Ben Rouben, AECL, Slides (pdf 2.9Mb), Recorded seminar (exe 55.6Mb) on 2007.01.11 at McMaster University. Listen to Ben's review of CANDU history, AECL's role, and current opportunities. Focused on reactor physics. Well worth the rather large download (sorry about that but it is the best we candu).
The Law of the Land - for Ontario engineers in general
- PEO - Professional Engineers Ontario - Like medical or legal professionals, professional engineers are licensed, and are accountable for their work. Their duty is to protect the public safety. Professional engineers subscribe to a strict code of ethics and practice standards. The profession is regulated by Professional Engineers Ontario. Includes the publications, Engineering Dimensions and The Link.
- A new web site- Path2PEng . . . http://www.path2peng.com - A web site has been established to provide ongoing assistance to individuals on the path to P. Eng. It is a free site and without responsibility. Currently there is a survey on the site to determine both the needs of people looking to be a professional engineer, and, determine what you are able to volunteer to help them. The initial response to the survey has been excellent with more than 75% of respondents indicating that they are able and willing to help others. This is an opportunity for engineers to help themselves as well as their current and future colleagues. Consider volunteering - as a mentor, with forms, applications, with cultural differences, with experiences.
On-campus Services
For the Recent Immigrant 
- Fitting In: From Consideration to Integration Project to Help International Engineering Graduates Succeed In Canada - Many immigrants coming to Canada intend to practise engineering, but finding employment is a serious concern. From Consideration to Integration is a national project developed to identify and encourage best practices in licensing, integrating and supporting international engineering graduates. By Karen Hawthorne, Engineering Dimensions, March/April, 2004. Alternate link (pdf 2.7Mb).
- Access to Experience - New Canadians who have concerns with the professions' licensing requirements and processes have taken action. PROMPT is an umbrella-group representing immigrant professionals dedicated to facilitating access in Canadian society and creating an immigrant voice on issues. By Jane Cullingworth and Gurmeet Bambrah, PhD, EIT, Engineering Dimensions, March/April, 2004. Alternate link (pdf 768kb).
- Mohandes - for Iranian immigrants.
- Canadian Council of Professional Engineers - contains assessment information for immigrants.
Career Outlook
- [Intn'l] IAEA
- [Intn'l] NEA
- [UK] Nuclear Safety
- [US] ANS - Americal Nuclear
- Careers
in nuclear - you can download a presentation here. Unfortunately,
it is a large file and contains only general information.
- [US] DOE - NE - US
Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology
- [US] NEI (US based Nuclear
Energy Institute)
Links to Nuclear Job Opportunity Sites
- AECL - Atomic Energy of Canada
- ALARA Research, Inc., established in 1994, is a small consulting firm specialising
in Nuclear Safety Analysis with a presence in New Brunswick and Ontario. E-mail.
- Babcock & Wilcox Canada, Cambridge, Ontario - manufacturers of nuclear steam generators, etc.
- Bruce Power
- the new owners of the Bruce nuclear site.
- CNS -
Canadian Nuclear Society Postings
- Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (formerly the Atomic Energy Control Board),
- Energy Alberta
- Hydro Quebec
- Liste des emplois présentement offerts.
- IAEA - International
Atomic Energy Agency Postings
- MDS Nordion - A company
focussed on the medical and industrial uses of radiation.
- MNR - the
McMaster Nuclear Reactor typically hires one or two summer students and occasionally
needs new full time staff.
- Natural
Resources Canada
- NB
Power - New Brunswick Power
- NEA - Nuclear
Energy Agency Postings s
- Nuclear Safety
Solutions (formerly the safety technical division of OPG)
- Oak Ridge
National Laboratory - A U.S. Department of Energy sLaboratory Managed by
Lockheed Martin Energy Research
- OPG - Ontario Power Generation
(formerly Ontario Hydro)
- Prolet Inc. specializes in providing engineering and technical personnel. They bring together the expertise of specialists in personnel placement and active engineering and technical professionals.
- Radiation Information Network's Health
Physics Related Employment Website - US based Health Physics site. Lots
of good links here.
- Siemens
- SNC-Lavalin employee postings. SNC Lavalin. is the largest private sector engineering company in Canada engaged in engineering, procurement, project management and construction for the nuclear industry.
- Wardrop
Engineering - A Large Consulting Engineering Firm
- Whiteshell Workforce
Adjustment Centre, based in Manitoba but lots of interesting information
and links for those in the job market or for those looking for skilled personnel.
Worth a visit.
- 1 Nuclear Place
- a comprehensive guide to nuclear news and information on the internet, jobs,
bookstore, classifieds and more. Very comprehensive for such a new site.
- NuclearMarket.com
- A valuable resource for professionals in the Nuclear Industry featuring
news, a buyer's guide, procurement opportunities, jobs, conference details
and much more. The site is hosted by NuclearMarket.com, a private business
based in London. Site information is posted by individual member companies.
Students can register their profile at the Career Center and will be informed
by email each time a relevant job notice is posted by one of the members.
- Visit NukeWorker.com, the leading nuclear job site in North America.
Ways to Get Plugged In
Discussion Forum - This site was started in the hope of promoting discussion
regarding "all things Nuclear". Students and employees are invited to get
connected via this discussion / posting board - setup by Rob Pasuta of
the McMaster Nuclear Reactor - Go Rob!
- Join the Canadian Nuclear
Society (CNS) to get the Bulletin and become active in your local branch
or volunteer on one of the committees.
- Join the CNS list server. Add your thoughts
to the fray.
- Join the Canadian Nuclear Job list - linking potential employees to employers.
- Network, network, network. Get involved. Check out the activities of the
CNS Universities Committee for ways that
you might get involved, such as the Annual Student Conference. Financial support
is available from the CNS.
- As the adage goes, if you want someone to hire you, you have to provide
something of value to them.