A number of search engines are offered to help you search this web site.
Each has its advantages and disadvantages. You may need to try several of
them to find what you are looking for. I suggest you try them in the order
given. Some of the engines only take you to the page that contains the text
you are looking for. You have to then search that page for the text you
want. If it is a web page, use [Ctrl-F]. You will find that useful to find
a name on a long page. You can search from within pdf files by using the
'find' command in Adobe Reader.
- The search engine below by siteLevel only does simple searches but does search the complete site, including
pdf files. The search results include several lines of text around the
text you searched for. As an added bonus, the search words are hyperlinked
so you can jump directly to the found text. Very useful.
- The search engine below from FreeFind
allows advanced
searches and you can refine your search by doing a search on the
search results, but the engine does not search the pdf files that are
on this site, unfortunately. The search results just take you to the
page in question; there is no direct link to the words themselves. But
FreeFind also generates a map of the site, which is a very nice feature.