Bill\'s Menu:
Genealogy of the Ontario Nelles and PEI Gallant
and related families

The intent of this page is to make it easy for you to access family tree information. Please note that this site should not be used as a primary source of genealogy information but can be used as a pointer to primary sources and as a framework to guide your own research. The information on this site was derived from primary sources (census data, wills, church records, immediate family data, etc.) and secondary sources (second and third hand communication, etc.). It is an evolving story that you can help write. If you find mistakes, have comments or you have new information, please let me know. This site has grown largely because of the contributions from people who have visited this site and found links to the information that they have. So, don't hesitate to contact me to make your contribution, however small.
William J. Garland

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What's all this about?

  • These web pages document family tree information for the Nelles and Gallant families. This genealogical data has been compiled into a database containing some 1300+ names focussed on the family trees of Alvin Nelles (NELLES and maternal lines Milburn, McFarland, Clements, Shackleton, Jackson) and Kay Gallant (GALLANT, and maternal lines Montgomery, Boisvenue, ...). Each individual has been assigned a unique (but arbitrary) ID # for reference purposes.
  • The geographical focus of this web site is Ontario and PEI, Canada.

The database

  • Disclosure policy: The full database contains information on living people. Out of respect for their privacy, it is general practice to not make public any information on living people other than their names and position on the family tree. Thus, details on living people have been 'cleaned' from the files and reports that follow. The full versions of the reports and files are also given here as password protected files. Only immediate members of my family have access to these protected files, denoted [protected] on this web site. Unless so noted, all files and reports on this web site have been 'cleaned'.
  • The database, zipped here as [protected], was created using a shareware program called Brother's Keeper version 7 (BK7). I have not been able to figure out how to create a 'cleaned version' of the BK database for general distribution.
  • If you want to import the data into another program, download the database, clean.ged, in the generic GEDCOM format.
  • Browse the above GEDCOM database with Mudcreek's GENViewer software. This is the best GEDCOM viewer I have found. You can view, search, sort and sift through the whole database with ease to see the big picture or zoom in on the details.
  • You can also view the whole genealogy database by browsing the database online in two different, but complementary, ways. These links will open up in a separate window with no frames to permit better printing. Adjust the text font size in your browser to get more or less text on a line.
    • Ancestry and descendants - This is really cool - generated by ged2web. Elegant and free! This view is great for seeing the bigger picture of how people are related over the generations. Unfortunately, ged2web does not retain the sources or the ID numbers of the original BK database.
    • Family group sheets on-line - generated by Brother's Keeper. Go to this view when you want to get the details on a family or individuals, including sources and notes.
  • I am looking for better ways to display genealogy information on-line. Did you find the above forms convenient and complete? Let me know.
  • Check out the update page to see what's new.
  • Stay tuned for updates...monitor this site.

Reference Information

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